Supportive Chair for Individuals with Low Torso Strength
My team designed and built a prototype bleacher chair for individuals with low torso body strength (Figure 1, Figure 2) so that they would be able sit in sections other than wheelchair only sections.
Figure 1: Supportive Chair Front View
Figure 2: Supportive Chair Side View
The user is strapped into the chair using the two cross straps and the leg strap. Both the back and seat cushions are removable (Figure 3). This ability allows for a prescription cushion to be used in place of either the seat or back cushions if desired. The back is also curved for a more ergonomic fit and to prevent the user from slipping to the side. The back has two bungee cords that act to help pull the user back to sitting if he decides to lean in his chair (Figure 4). If the cushions are removed, the device can be folded in half for easy portability (Figure 5). A video further explaining our design is found below.
Figure 3: Removable Cushions
Figure 4: Bungee Cords
Figure 5: Folded Chair
Teammates on this project were Samantha Nutter, Jack Trouvé, and Kevin Peng