Design Portfolio
Some of the highlights of my design work over the course of my career. The entries are in reverse chronological order and go all the way back to my first ever design project in college.
Amazon Scout Home Base
As a mechanical engineer at Amazon Scout, I helped with the charging infrastructure for the robots in the field. My coworkers and I designed a patent pending, modular charging system that could be configured to support as many or as few robots as necessary.
Sensor Calibration for Robotic Surgery
While pursuing my Master of Science degree from the University of Washington, I worked in the BioRobotics Lab under Blake Hannaford. My focus was on calibrating sensors in a motorized robotic surgical “Smart Grasper”. I presented my research at the 2021 International Symposium on Medical Robotics.
Click here for a copy of my paper.
bose audio sunglasses testing Fixture
As a contract engineer at Mixer Design, I was in charge of characterizing a prototype hinge for the Bose Audio sunglasses. The goal was to understand how opening and closing the sunglasses would feel at various points in the product’s life.
Automated Indoor Greenhouse
My team designed and prototyped an automated apartment-scale greenhouse system that can take a plant from seed to harvestable size without human intervention. This device won the HSB Living Lab Shared Spaces Challenge, allowing us to deliver three prototypes to the living lab at Chalmers University in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Typical martian office building
For our final Thermal Design project, my team and I designed the HVAC system for an office building on Mars.
Motor Fixture
During my time at Function Engineering, I designed a fixture to aid the construction of a prototype medical device. This was the first part that I designed for production by a machinist.
Sprinkler System Control Box
For this human centered design project, my team was tasked with designing a control box system for a home sprinkler system with all the specifications required for manufacture. This box had to be usable by the entire American demographic from ages 18-70.
Supportive Chair for Individuals with Low Torso Strength
The purpose of this project was to design an assistive device for adults or children with disabilities. My team chose to create a supportive chair for individuals with low torso strength.
Tether for Guided Capsule Endoscopy
For this project, my team was tasked with designing a guided tether system for low cost capsule endoscopy. This system had to be usable in low resource setting conditions such as minimal staff training and no anesthetics.